
Painting Articles

The Basics
How to pin multi-part metal miniatures
Assemble your figures so that they stay together.

Six reasons to use a wet palette
Almost a magic bullet for better painting.

How to make a wet palette
No miniature painter should be without one!

How to undercoat your miniatures
Spray your figures with better results

Washes and inks for shading skin
A very brief introduction to using this technique.

Painting Space Wolves the easy way: Part 1
Paint up your Marines with the minimum of fuss and get them on the battlefield.

Painting Space Wolves the easy way: Part 2
Easy ways to improve the models you painted before so that they reach a nicer tabletop standard.

How to paint World War 2 British Commandos: Part 1
A guide by our friendly professional painter Troy from Brand Painting Studios.

Painting World War 2 British Commandos: Part 2
Troy continues his tutorial with a how to paint skin tones.

Hasslefree Debra: Sci Fi Trooper
A female Cadian for my Imperial Guard project.

Hasslefree's Mckenzie (a) and Grant: Sci Fi / Modern Troopers
Two more sculpts for my Imperial Guard project including my proxy for Sly Marbo.

Female Viridian Sniper
Something I did as a study in painting greens.

Space Dwarves: Hasslefree's Grymm
A small squad that I painted up for an RPG I was running.

Ogre Gladiators from Black Tree Design
Painted up as baddies for an RPG

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