
Monday, 24 June 2013

Wrath of the Gods: Victory Points

Players will gain Victory Points for themselves so that we can see who is winning individually  Perhaps more importantly we will total the Victory Points for the players on each side to see which side ultimately wins the war!

To track VPs we have a Facebook Group. You need to report games played and won there so that they can be tracked. For painted miniatures, you need to post what you have painted ideally with a photo. If you can't post a photo then two other people need to post that they've seen them.

Painted Miniatures: 1 VP per model
Miniature games are much more fun when the models involved have been painted and based so whilst you're welcome to play with unpainted figures there are considerable VPs available if you do paint them.

To score victory points a model must have at least four colours on it and be based. Modelling sand, flock and resin bases are all fine types of basing. The quality of your painting is not judged only whether you have met the requirements.

Playing a game against a warband from an enemy faction: 1 VPs
Both the winner and the loser get points in this way. Playing a game against a warband from your own faction does not gain you points because we want to encourage people to fight the other side. :-)

Winning a game: 2 VPs
Pretty self explanatory, I think. You get this even if you play a warband from your own side.

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