
Thursday, 27 June 2013

Celt Warband Roster

Drawn by the dire warnings of their shamans who realise the danger that Xerxes poses to the world many Celtic warbands have travelled south to seek glory in battle against this legendary empire. The prospect of large amounts of booty have also proved a powerful attraction.

If you haven't played with these rules before this is what you need to know: a low quality value is good because you need to roll over it on a d6. A high Combat value is good because you add it to a d6 roll. Special rules generally do what the name implies.

A starting warband is 300 points and you can't spend more than 100pts on personalities.The point limit will increase as the campaign progresses.

New units will also appear throughout the campaign.

Special Rule: Individualistic
Celts are a tribal people and lack the discipline of more civilised armies. A Celtic warband need not include a Leader although it must include at least one personality.

All miniatures linked to can be ordered from the Gamers Guild.
Cave Bear
Points 40Quality 3+Combat 4
Special RulesAnimal, Big
Cave bears are fearsome creatures who lumber into battle at the bidding of the Druids. Miniatures can be found here.
Celtic Beserker
Points 27Quality 4+Combat 3
Special RulesSavage
Some warriors suffer a terrible battle frenzy. Their mad charges can break an enemy battle line with their ferocity.
Celtic Cavalry
Points 39Quality 4+Combat 2
Special RulesLong Move, Mounted
Speed is something that the Celts value and a good horseman is a useful warrior.
Celtic Chariot
Points 48Quality 4+Combat 2
Special RulesDashing, Long Move, Mounted, Savage
Particularly skilled warriors take the battle to the enemy in chariots.
Celtic Chieftain - Personality
Points 50Quality 4+Combat 3
Special RulesDashing, Leader
Tough and canny fighters, chieftains lead their men for glory and plunder.
Celtic Warleader - Personality
Points 72Quality 3+Combat 3
Special RulesDashing, Fearless, Hero
Not every celtic leader concerns himself with the subtleties of strategy, some are simply peerless killers whom men will follow into the very jaws of hell.
Celtic Warrior
Points 13Quality 5+Combat 2
Special RulesDashing
Celtic warriors have a preferred tactic: Charge!
Druid - Personality
Points 46Quality 3+Combat 1
Special RulesEnchanter, Forester
These nature priests have called the most powerful creatures of the natural world to join the battle against Xerxes' apocalyptic goals.
Mammoth - Personality
Points 84Quality 3+Combat 5
Special RulesAnimal, Huge, Tough
Large, woolly and with monstrous tusks, mammoths trample the enemies of nature beneath their feet. Miniatures can be found here.
Wolf / Warhound
Points 26Quality 4+Combat 2
Special RulesAnimal, Long Move
Wolves and warhounds are popular pets amongst the celts. Outsiders often can't tell the difference. You can find miniatures for wolves and warhounds at the linked pages.

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