
Painting Philosophy

There are a lot of beautifully painted miniatures out there these days.  All the big companies invest in beautifully painted studio models for marketing.  I think that often when we buy a new miniature we have a mental image of painting it to a professional standard ourselves.  It can be a bit disheartening to spend ages painting a mini and then comparing our own humble efforts to those of the pros.  They set a very high standard and one that most of us cannot match.  However, you can at least take comfort from the fact that you and I are not alone in this!  No less a wargaming name than Rick Priestly wrote about this same topic in Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy magazine this month.

Most people will never paint like the professionals.  Some may lack the talent but far more people simply lack the time to learn and practise the techniques.  I talk about painting quite a bit on this blog and show off some of my miniatures. Let me be honest with you now dear reader, I am a pretty average painter. I do a few figures that I think look really good and nudge into a kind of semi-pro level.  I also do a few figures that are horrible although, funnily enough, I'm less likely to show you those...  Most of the time my minis look okay for whatever purpose I have in mind for them.  They are "tabletop standard" or sometimes even "good tabletop standard".  However they generally get positive reactions from people.

So if you are a novice painter, take heart! Have a look at my figures and be assured that you can certainly learn to paint as well as me with a bit of practice. In fact it is entirely possible that you could learn to paint better than me. :-) Hopefully the painting articles here will help you towards that goal.

Happy painting!


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