
About this blog...

Welcome to Axes and Arrows! This blog is mainly about role playing games and painting miniatures.  From time to time I may stray into wargaming, board games or Magic the Gathering, but those occasions are likely to be few and far between.

I've been fortunate to meet a lot of great people through gaming and I've spent many happy hours with different aspects of the great tabletop hobby.  As I've gotten into my thirties I've found myself more and more often being the veteran gamer of a group. People ask me for advice - or sometimes I just give them advice unsolicited! - and apparently it's helpful.  Looking back at when I was younger and newer to the hobby myself, I remember doing exactly the same thing and it helped me greatly.  If the truth be told, I still like to get advice but I just ask different questions. I've also found all kinds of useful advice on the Internet over the years; there are some fantastic websites out there!  Anyhow it seems right to try and give back some of what I've learned to the gaming community. Most of what I can tell you is stuff that you would work out yourself with a bit of trial and error but it's nice to save yourself that sometimes!

If you're a new gamer then welcome to the wonderful world of tabletop games! It's a great place. If you're a veteran already then I hope this blog will contain something to interest you too.

- Eddie

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