
Thursday, 25 July 2013

Gods and Titans

Expect an update to the miniatures section of this page shortly!

As Wrath of the Gods gets into full swing, we up the stakes with rules for Gods and Titans. These are new character types which are made up individually by players within the guidelines below.

Gods: The deities of the ancient world sometimes intervene directly in mortal affairs.
Requirements: Hero, minimum Quality 3+, 25-30mm base.

Titans: These as ancient giants ruled long ago until the gods defeated them and barred them in the underworld. Now they are free again.
Titan Requirements: Tough, minimum Combat 4, minimum 40mm base

Note that Gods and Titans are always Personalities.

New game mode: Epic Clash

Players may agree to play an Epic Clash. In this type of game each player must field at least one God or Titan and may spend up to half their points on them. This replaces the the one third limit on personalities although ordinary personalities are still allowed - the gods need their worshipers!

One third of you points must be spent orirdinary troops from your roster. If you have played five games and earned the title of Veteran you can include custom models that are not Gods or Titans.

Victory Points

Since Gods and Titans are centrepiece models you can gain three VPs for painting one. You must have at least six colours which might mean you need some highlighting or shading.

Miniatures List

The following are figures that I think would be good for gods and Titans. You may find others and that's fine. The following are all availabkle to order through our FLGS, the Gamers Guild.

Celtic Titans and Heroes

Adepts of Malesur from Sphere Wars
Big were creatures

Ursapine from Godslayer

Fellganger a giant from Godslayer

Wyldfolk of Annyr from Godslayer

Egyptian Titan

Khemri Warsphinx from GW

Greek Titans, Gods and Heroes

Scions of Kurgan from Sphere Wars
Big ugly monsters

The Halodyne from Godslayer

Persian Titans

Troglodytes from Godslayer
Wraith and  ogre/troll types with an eastern look

Packs of Urueh from Sphere Wars
Firey kind of demons

Friday, 19 July 2013

Tutorial Painting British WW2 Commandos Part 2

Welcome back to our tutorial on painting World War 2 British soldiers like a pro.. If you haven't seen part 1 you can find it here.  Once again I hand you over to Troy Brand of Brand Painting Studios who today will be mostly showing us how to paint flesh. 


Painting the skin

Once I was satisfied with the uniform, which covers the largest percentage of the model, I moved on to paint the hands and face with Vallejo's Panzer Aces Flat Flesh. The Panzer Aces line has some very good flesh tones and I thoroughly recommend picking some of these up.  However, the paint in itself is a little pale at first. This is fine, as once a wash has been applied (once again I used Sepia wash) the paleness goes, revealing warmer tones as well as the details on the face.

British commando - Painting the face
Clockwise: base coat, wash, highlights

The highlighting on the face and hands was achieved by adding three layers: the first was a layer of Flat Flesh, then a 1-1 mix of Flat and Light Flesh (again from Vallejo) and finally a last one of Vallejo Light Flesh. Satisfied with the flesh tones I then painted the beret. This was a two stage process of painting a base coat of Vallejo Dark Green and highlighting it with a mix of Dark and Light Green.

Painting the sten gun

I picked this time to paint the sten gun, which looks a very, very dark metallic black. This I achieved by making a 2-1 mix of Vallejo Flat Black and Vallejo Gun Metal Grey. If I had not run out of the old Citadel Bolt Gun Metal I would have used that, as Citadel used to make the better metallic paints of the two brands. I then washed the sten with a thinned down wash of Citadel Badab Black. I have not used the new black wash from Citadel, but I really like the medium they used for the old washes. A very light drybrush with the original metallic brought out the details.

28mm British Commando - almost finished
The model after the skin highlights and the beret were finished, along with the sten gun.

Unfortunately I did not have enough presence of mind to take pictures of the remaining process, but essentially it boiled down to six areas: the shirt, straps, the rucksack, the pouches, boots and base.

The shirt was painted with a single layer of Off White, which makes a very good contrast with the rest of the model. The straps, equally easy to paint, were all painted with a single coat of Sand.

The original rucksack was a pale shade of green-grey which I achieved by painting the base coat with Vallejo's Intermediate Blue (a slightly blue-ish grey) followed by two consecutive washes of Badab Black.

The pouches were painted with Dark Green and highlighted with a 1-1 mix of Dark Green and Vallejo Game colour Heavy Khaki.

The boots were painted Flat Black and the leggings just above them are painted sand and washed with the same sepia wash.

The base was painted Dark Ochre, then given a wash made with thinned down Citadel Scorched Brown, finally touched up with static grass

The process may have seemed long-drawn and complicated, but the steps in themselves are easy, quick to do and if you apply an assembly line method where you are touching up the last model as the first one dries up you will find yourself finished before you know it. Time to take on the Fascist scum!

That's all for now folks. If you enjoyed this tutorial, check out Troy's website. He does commission work and his rates are very reasonable. Ed

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Wrath of the Gods: Miniatures

When you play Warhammer you pretty much have to use Games Workshop figures.  With a game like this, you can use any miniatures you like so long as they look the part.  There is a pretty wide range of companies that make suitable miniatures but hopefully the links below will provide you with plenty of options to get started. They are all available to order from our fine local gaming store, The Gamers Guild. just phone or visit the shop.

The most economical option is probably to get one of the multi part plastic kits. They're comparable to GW kits but a great deal cheaper. Most of the boxes contain 30 to 40 miniatures for about £20 so sharing a box with a friend is entirely possible. If you like metal minis you have yet more options to choose from.

Warlord Games
Warlord Games make a wide range of ancients miniatures.  Most of their plastic boxed sets come in at about £20 with blisters going from £2 - £12.
  • There are no less than six boxes of plastic Greeks to choose from as well as a choice of metal figures.
  • Gallic Celts and British Celts including chieftains and druids.
  • Assyrians and Babylonians could be interesting for a Persian or Egyptian warband. They're all metal so they're a bit more expensive than some of the other options though.

Wargames Factory's boxes cost $20 which is £16.50 at UK retail and all of their miniatures are multipart plastics.

  • Greeks and Persians   Since the presentation of the Persian miniatures really doesn't do them any favours you might want to have a look at these rather beautifully painted examples here.
  • Amazons Warrior women with a range of weapon options.
  • Celts including plastic cavalry and chariots.
  • Numidians These are wonderfully versatile models that could be made into light infantry from Greece, Egypt or Persia.  There are some nicely painted examples of them in a review here.

Mantic Games make some rather nice undead. Their Zombies and Ghouls could easily belong in an Persian or Egyptian warband. The Undead Mummies which are about to be released would be great for an Egyptian warband.  A lot of their other fantasy figures are too medieval for this campaign but the Trolls are crying out for conversion into something!

Games Workshop
Games Workshop can't be ignored entirely because the Tomb Kings are the obvious choice for an Egyptian warband. The Skeleton Warriors are actually okay in terms of value for money too at £20 for 16 figures. Not a bargain but not terrible either. Some other things from GW, like minotaurs, could be used too.

Harpies Five for £15 is not a bad deal if you want some evil scary flying things!
Minotaurs £20 each, nice detailed sculpts.

Satyrs from Fanticide are another nice but badly presented range of miniatures. Happily there are some well painted examples here.

The 28mm historical personalities are nice character figures for £2.50 each and include Ramases II in case you wanted to find that elusive Pharaoh miniature. The rest of their figures are in small scales unfortunately.

If you have a suggestion for something to add, please leave a comment or post on the Facebook Group.